Quick Guide to Extended School Year (ESY) Services

Supporting Students Beyond the Traditional School Year

Quick Guide to Extended School Year (ESY) Services

IEP Implementation7/17/2024

Extended School Year (ESY) services in special education ensure that students with disabilities receive the support they need beyond the traditional school year.

These services can help students maintain their skills and continue their educational progress during school breaks..

In this post, we will provide a comprehensive overview of ESY services and discuss the factors IEP teams consider when determining whether they are necessary.

What is ESY?

Extended School Year services are special education and related services provided to students with disabilities beyond the standard 180-day school year.

These services are tailored to the individual needs of the student. They prevent significant backsliding of skills and knowledge during extended breaks from school, such as summer vacation.

It's important to note that ESY services are not the same as summer school.

While summer school is typically open to all students and may focus on remediation or enrichment, ESY services are specifically designed for students with disabilities.

Their primary goal is to help these students maintain their educational progress, which distinguishes them from the broader focus of summer school.

What is the Eligibility for ESY?

A student’s eligibility for Extended School Year services is determined through a comprehensive evaluation by their Individualized Education Program (IEP) team.

Several factors are considered when determining eligibility, including:

  1. The team assesses whether the student experiences significant regression (loss of skills) during breaks and how long it takes to recoup (regain) those skills once school resumes. Students who require excessive time to recoup skills may be eligible for ESY.
  2. The IEP team will consider whether the skills are critical to the student's educational progress and independence. If these skills are at risk of substantial loss, ESY services might be deemed necessary.
  3. Students with more severe disabilities or those whose disabilities inherently impact skill retention may be more likely to qualify for ESY services.
  4. The team reviews the student's IEP goals to determine if the student is not making adequate progress or if school breaks significantly hinder their progress.
  5. If a student is learning a critical new skill, the IEP team may determine that ESY services are necessary to prevent skill loss during breaks.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that the IEP team must provide ESY services if they determine the student needs them to receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

How Does an IEP Team Determine the Need for ESY Services?

1. Data and Documentation

The IEP team looks at data from past breaks, like winter or spring vacations to check how much a student’s skills decline and recover.

2. Parent and Teacher Input

They provide insights into students' performance and behavior during breaks. This information contributes to a better understanding of their needs.

3. Current IEP Goals

The team assesses how the student's current IEP goals align with their educational progress. If school breaks significantly hinder progress toward these goals, the team may recommend Extended School Year services.

4. Available Resources

The team also considers the availability of resources and the feasibility of providing ESY services. Adequate resources and personnel must be in place to deliver effective ESY services.

Will My Child Continue to Receive ESY Services Every Year?

Whether your child continues to receive Extended School Year services each year depends on their current needs and the decision of their IEP team.

The team will review your child's progress towards IEP goals, evaluate any significant skill loss during breaks, consider their unique needs, and assess the effectiveness of previous ESY services.

Each year, the decision is based on these factors and current data, so receiving ESY services one year does not automatically guarantee they will be provided every year.

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